Monday, May 31, 2010 small increments

Yesterday I finally finished the hot pink/red Noro yarn socks I'd been knitting on our roadtrip.  I'll post a photo tomorrow.  I was spurred into action by a blog post on make something to finish lingering projects.
I also finished doing the reverse applique stitching for an Alabama Chanin skirt (kit) I got for Christmas.  I'm a little worried it might not currently fit, but that's a temporary condition.
    Otherwise, I did a few chores today - one I really like, another that I really dislike.  Laundry and grading.  You guess which fits which description.

1 comment:

  1. I read yesterday that Virgil took seven years to complete the Aeneid. He wrote no more than three lines a week and complained that he must have lost his mind to have taken on such a task. This was somehow comforting information as I often find it difficult to push myself through myself, as in get out of my own way. I AM my own worst enemy sometimes.
