Monday, July 18, 2011

The Drama of It All

Our trip to Newfoundland was great.  Oh, sure, there was the near-death experience of driving in the potentially moose-laden fog, but we met lots of cool people, got to see a new (to us) province, and generally engaged in rather social behavior.

Our friends (and hosts) took us to Fogo Island.  Thankfully we had beautiful weather, which serves as a great background for these photos (taken by the ladyfriend - I'm so lazy with the photography when there's a professional around...).  The buildings (artists' studios) are for an artists' residency there.  There will be six of them in total scattered about the island.  Of the four that have been completed, we visited two and saw a third from the road.  Very cool.  Very dramatic.

Not to complain, but the weather in Nova Scotia hasn't been all that we've advertised it to be.  It's been unseasonably cold, which has prevented us from lazing about in the sun or swimming (yes, you can swim here).  I've also found that I haven't been as productive, craft-wise, as I often am although I did finish a sock today.  Nevertheless, I have to be careful not to compare each trip to the last (or to the "best of" film that plays in my mind).  I'm currently reading The Girl Who Played with Fire and that's going a long way to making it feel like a summer vacation.  The fact that we're not being boiled alive in southwestern Ontario is also a consolation.


  1. If you want to meet us for a couple of days in the cottage on lake Huron the first week of August, let me know!

  2. Wow - Looks Beautiful! Miss you! Keith

  3. you are missing some scorchers! I miss you too but these photos do the scenery justice!
    We're taking off tomorrow for NYC and De. Will give you a shout when we return...
