Monday, March 8, 2010

Marching forward...

March is an interesting month.  A lot of my friends have their birthdays in it (I do well with Pisces), so there's a connection to it there, but in other ways, the month often feels like it's over before it's begun.  I think part of it has to do with the fact that my teaching term is barreling toward the end (insert small "hallelujah" here), and we're all trying to figure out whether winter is over or just waiting to ambush us around the corner.  There's a bit of a suspended animation feel to the month.

It's against my desire to live in the present to feel this way about March.  I think the snail mail project is helping some.  It's actually going fairly well.  I did write two yesterday as I didn't get one down on Saturday.  Again, I had to clarify for myself what the true intention of this project is - is it just to show I can write a letter or a postcard everyday, or is it an opportunity to communicate?  Sure, I could whip off a postcard or quick letter everyday, but they could end up being more like an e-mail, which I often find to be a bit empty.  I like the digressions letter writing allows me.  The letters may start off with some hard facts about what's going on in my life, but they generally turn into more of what's going on in my head, and that's what I'm aiming for. 

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